Kids & Hypertension

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is an increasingly common condition found in children of all ages, including babies. Normal blood pressure readings are different throughout childhood, and can be affected by factors like age, body mass, diet and height. Kids suffering from high blood pressure typically can't feel that anything is wrong except in extreme cases, but hypertension is often due to other underlying problems.

Most commonly, hypertension is associated with conditions that affect the kidney. Untreated hypertension can result in kidney failure, heart disease, stroke and other problems.

Some common causes of hypertension in children are:

Kidney disease (Glomerulonephritis, Renal Failure, etc.)
Vascular problems (Coarctation of the aorta, renal artery stenosis)
Anatomic problems in the kidney (Kidney scars)
Autoimmune disease
Hormone problems
Certain medications
A pediatric nephrologist can help in the evaluation and treatment of hypertension.

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